<b>David Smart</b> has been climbing since 1975 throughout North America and Europe. He has completed hundreds of new routes in eastern Canada and is the founder of <i>Gripped, Canada’s Climbing Magazine</i>, <i>Canadian Running</i> magazine, <i>Canadian Cycling Magazine</i> and <i>Triathlon Magazine Canada</i>. He is also the author of five climbing guidebooks; a memoir entitled <i>A Youth Wasted Climbing</i>, short-listed by the Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival in 2015; <i>Paul Preuss: Life and Death at the Birth of Free-Climbing</i>, short-listed for awards by both the Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival and The Boardman Tasker Prize for Mountain Literature (UK); and <i>Emilio Comici: Angel of the Dolomites</i>; and he is the co-author with Brandon Pullan of <i>Northern Stone: 50 of Canada’s Best Rock Climbs</i>. He is the editorial director of Gripped Publishing and is still an active new-router in northern Ontario. David lives in Toronto, Ontario.